The Benefits of Using a Broker

Insurance Auto Auctions is one of the leading salvage auto auctions in North America, and offers the best deals on salvage vehicles. Part of what keeps them on top is their exclusivity, which for many of their auctions means that to participate you need to have a specialty license—such as a dealer’s license—registered in the state where the auction is happening. This is where Salvagebid steps in, to help people across the globe access these exclusive auctions. You’re allowed access to these auctions as a Salvagebid member because you can use our dealer’s license!

Using a broker is good, but using the right broker is better. As one of Insurance Auto Auctions premiere brokers, Salvagebid allows members to participate in live bidding. We are one of the only brokers that offers this capability. We do this because live bidding gives our members the strongest competitive advantage to win auctions.

Through our many years of experience, we have cultivated the professional insight needed to make the salvage vehicle auction process go as smoothly as possible. We have also cultivated relationships with outside companies to assist you with shipping, in the event that you are not able to pick up the vehicle yourself.

When Salvagebid is your broker you’re allowed to buy a car at the lowest price possible. We not only help you find the car you’ve been looking for, but our customer service agents have provided personalized help to thousands of people. When you use Salvagebid as your broker, you gain access to the most exclusive salvage auto auction yards in North America.

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