When buying a car, besides the initial price that you have to pay, it is important to consider the maintenance expenses you’ll have to bear in the future, and then…
Though it goes without saying that buying a car through online car auction sites such as Salvagebid lets you save big bucks, the task of finding the right deal can…
Every year, millions of cars are sold in the used and salvage auto market in the USA, offering a plethora of opportunities for enthusiasts to buy their favorite vehicles. Having…
Although Honda is technically a Japanese automaker, its understanding of the US auto market and consumers is among the best in the industry. That’s because much of its lineup is…
They say it’s impossible to improve upon perfection, but Toyota has managed to do it with the release of the all-new 2021 Land Cruiser. The SUV has always been known…
Thousands of cars get a salvage title or a ‘total loss’ designation after floods and other natural disasters. It happens frequently. These cars end up deemed unsafe for operation on…
If you love going off the beaten track, a 4WD SUV is just the car you need. Designed to deliver a unique blend of performance and comfort, many four-wheel drive…
When it comes to buying salvage titled cars at an auction, sight unseen, there’s always a bit of a risk. There are damage types that are typically safer than others.…
Auto sales for the year 2020 didn’t package many surprises as most of the top brands managed to retain their spots. The entry of 2021 models, however, may see some…
Owning a used car is more common than driving a brand-new one off the lot. The majority of drivers want to keep their cars running as long as possible, but…