It is common knowledge that repossessed vehicles go for unbelievably low prices at online auto auctions. Compared to buying used cars, purchasing repossessed vehicles helps you save more and allows you to bring home a car that is in a fairly great condition. Salvagebid offers an extensive inventory of repossessed cars for sale in our insurance auto auctions held online. You get access to makes such as Audi, Chevrolet, Volkswagen, and Dodge in our salvage cars for sale. Continuing on the subject, in this blog post, we present some universal facts to understanding repossessed cars and getting real value for your money. Read on.
When is a vehicle labelled ‘repossessed’?
A vehicle is deemed repossessed when it has been acquired by the bank from its owner due to non-payment of an auto loan. Repossessed vehicles are generally considered a loss by banks, because of which they are sold off at the lowest prices and at the earliest opportunity. The vehicles usually have low mileage and may also still be in warranty.
How do you inspect a repossessed vehicle?
While visual inspection of photos posted on auction websites may reveal a generous amount of information, a physical inspection is generally recommended to learn more about a vehicle’s condition. You can hire a professional to inspect the vehicle on which you are planning to bid. Some repossessed vehicles have leaks as they will have been sitting away for a significant period. You can also get hold of a vehicle’s service history, which gives you clear information about all the repairs and ownership changes.
Is it risky to buy a repossessed vehicle?
Repossessed vehicles, as mentioned earlier, often feature low mileage. Some repossessed vehicles may have been modified or poorly maintained. It is, therefore, advisable to get a thorough inspection of the vehicle done by a professional to ascertain its condition. Doing so can help you steer clear of options that don’t meet your needs. Buying a repossessed vehicle can be risk-free when you make an informed choice.
Can I finance the purchase of a repossessed vehicle?
Few banks do offer financing options for purchasing repossessed vehicles. You can opt for an auto loan and pay comfortably through monthly installments. Most repossessed vehicles, though, are bought by paying full in cash as they are auctioned off at throwaway prices.
Salvagebid brings to you an extensive inventory of repossessed cars for sale, featuring models from nearly all popular automakers available in decent condition and low mileage. All you have to do is register by providing some basic information or by using your Facebook or Gmail account, choose a membership plan, place a refundable security deposit, and get to bidding. If you have any questions or need expert assistance, simply call +1 (360) 347-1300 between 6:00 AM and 3:00 PM Pacific Standard Time, Monday through Friday, or email us at
All You Need to Know about Buying Repossessed Cars

Young stylish couple choosing luxury car to buy on the open ground of the dealership