Buying salvage cars for sale through online auctions gives wishful buyers an opportunity to bring home their dream cars at unbelievably low prices. Be it a vintage muscle car or a powerful sports car, you can find it all at car auctions online. That said, to find a model you can successfully restore within your budget, it is important to do some research when picking the car. Continuing on the subject, we’re presenting some expert tips to help you buy a salvage car from our car auctions online. Read on.
Learn about the Damages
Every state across the US deems a vehicle salvage for different reasons. While reasons such as an involvement in a crash may be a defining criteria for deeming a vehicle salvaged, some states also label fire or flood damaged vehicles as salvaged as well. Cases like flood damage can often render vehicles useless, so you need to understand why the vehicle was branded in the first place. Doing a VIN check is often the easiest way to quickly find out the status of any vehicle.
Conduct a Thorough Inspection
Getting a salvage vehicle inspected by a professional is a must, especially if you are considering restoring it and using it as your daily driver. Contact a body shop that doesn’t have ties to any auctions to ensure that you get an impartial and honest breakdown of the repairs and the exact condition of the salvage vehicle. While you may be tempted to just go by the VIN report and make a rough estimation of the repair expenses, it is good practice to let a professional estimate the expenses for you.
Evaluate the Car and Decide Upon a Price
Although buying a salvage vehicle and restoring it can give you massive savings, you also risk overspending if you do not evaluate the market value and place a bid accordingly. A rebuilt or reconstructed salvage car is generally worth 60 percent of what a clean titled model of the same year would cost. Once you get the vehicle inspected by a professional and get a quote on the restoration expenses, estimate the maximum you would be willing to pay for the salvage model and place a bid accordingly. Make sure that your total spending for buying and making the salvage vehicle road-ready shouldn’t exceed 60 percent of what a clean titled model would cost.
Inspect after Buying
Inspecting your salvage vehicle post-purchase is as important as inspecting it before placing a bid on it. This tip is of special importance if you choose to buy rebuilt salvage vehicles from auctions. Whatever the case may be, always make it a point to get it thoroughly inspected by a professional once it arrives. You should also take your state rules into consideration. While some states require the DMV to inspect your reconstructed salvage vehicle, others may simply require a licensed body shop to conduct the inspection. Stay informed about such procedures and get them done without fail.
Consider Going DIY with the Repairs
Salvage cars can be bought in their original damaged condition or fully rebuilt. While a fully reconstructed salvage car is a good deal as it spares you from the hassles of getting the restoration work done on your watch, it also leaves out the scope to ignore minor glitches for cost-cutting. If you are getting the restoration work done by yourself, you will be better assured about the restoration works’ standards and can also ignore minor issues such as a non-functional back power window or a missing rear wiper to save yourself some more money.
Wrap Up
Buying salvage cars for sale by auction, be it salvage, theft recovered, or flood damaged, can help you save yourself from spending a fortune over a new vehicle. Salvagebid’s car auctions online run throughout the year and list vehicles from a variety of makes and models. All you have to do is register with us, choose a membership plan, and get to bidding. To discuss your requirements or get answers to your questions, simply call +1 (360) 347-1300 between 6:00 AM and 3:00 PM (Pacific Standard Time), Monday through Friday, or email
A Look at Expert Tips for Buying Salvage Cars

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